Thanksgiving Meal for Those in Need

The ‘Thanksgiving Meal for Those in Need’ is a special offer that aims to provide a warm meal to those in need on Thanksgiving Day. This program is run by Operation Turkey, a community of over 40,000 volunteers nationwide who work together to ensure that everyone has something to eat on this special day.

Each plate represents a meal for one individual, and it contains turkey, stuffing, vegetables, pie, and a drink. The meals are delivered to the recipients on Thanksgiving Day, November 23rd, between 10am and 2pm. This offer is available to select states and only while supplies last.

To request a free meal, you need to fill in a form provided by Operation Turkey. Once the form is filled and submitted, you can expect the meal to be delivered to your specified address. This offer is absolutely free, and it is aimed at ensuring that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can enjoy a warm and delicious meal on Thanksgiving Day.

This is a wonderful opportunity for those in need to have a hearty meal on a day when everyone else is celebrating with their loved ones. So, if you or someone you know could benefit from this offer, don’t hesitate to fill in the form and request a meal. Remember, this offer is limited and is available only while supplies last.

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