Skool Community

The Skool Community is a collaborative platform where users can share their feedback to make Skool better. The community is open for anyone to join and participate in the discussions. However, there are certain groups within the community that charge a monthly fee for membership. These paid groups offer exclusive content and benefits to their members.

One such group is the LT group. While it charges a monthly fee for membership, it also offers some freebies for those who haven’t paid yet. This is a unique feature that allows potential members to get a sneak peek of the benefits they can enjoy once they become paid members. The freebies are visually displayed in the classroom, making it easy for users to see what they can get.

However, it’s important to note that the access to these freebies is limited. As one user pointed out, the only way to get any type of freebie is to give someone access for free, but have your course section limited to ‘only some people can see’. This means that while non-paying users can see the freebies, they may not be able to access all the content and features of the group.

Despite this limitation, the LT group’s model of offering freebies to non-paying users is a clever way to attract potential members. It gives them a taste of what they can expect from the group, thereby encouraging them to sign up for the paid membership.

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