Pizza Hut Book It Program

The Pizza Hut Book It Program is an exciting initiative that encourages children to read by rewarding them with free pizza. The program is open for enrollment for the 2024-2025 period and is available to both teachers and homeschooling parents.

Once enrolled in the program, parents or teachers can set reading goals for their children. When these goals are met, the child earns a coupon for a free Personal Pan Pizza from Pizza Hut. This is a great way to motivate children to read and reward them for their efforts.

There are two versions of the program available for enrollment – the Original BOOK IT Program for homeschoolers and the Original BOOK IT Program for teachers. Both programs operate in a similar way, with the main difference being who sets the reading goals and rewards the children.

Once the child has reached their reading goal, parents or teachers will receive a certificate for a Personal Pan Pizza in their email. This certificate can then be redeemed at Pizza Hut for a delicious treat. The program is a fun and engaging way to encourage children to read more and develop a love for books.

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