Perfect Bars

Perfect Bars are currently being offered for free at Publix. This is a fantastic opportunity to try out these protein bars, which are made with organic nut butter, honey, and other clean ingredients. Perfect Bars are the Original Refrigerated Protein Bar, and they are known for their family love and wholesome ingredients.

The offer includes Perfect Bar Refrigerated Protein Bars, Layers, or Snacks, which range in size from 1.4 to 2.5 oz. The bars are available as a Buy One Get One (BOGO) offer for $3. This means you can get two bars for the price of one, which is a great deal. But the deal gets even better with a mail-in rebate that makes the bars free.

To take advantage of this offer, you need to look for the deal as part of the Publix Ad & Coupons Week Of 4/25 to 5/1 (4/24 to 4/30 For Some). The bars are located in the dairy section of the store. Once you have purchased the bars, you can submit the mail-in rebate to get your money back, making the bars free.

This is a limited-time offer, so make sure to grab your favorite Perfect Bars at Publix while the deal lasts. Whether you’re a long-time fan of Perfect Bars or you’ve never tried them before, this is a great opportunity to enjoy these delicious and nutritious bars for free.

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