Pasta + Shipping

Home Tester Club is offering an exciting opportunity for pasta lovers! You can now sign up to receive free Barilla pasta, and the best part is that shipping is also free. This is a great chance to try out some delicious pasta without spending a dime.

To participate in this offer, follow these simple steps:

  • First, head over to the Home Tester Club website.
  • Second, log in to your Home Tester account. If you don’t have an account, you can sign up for one.
  • Third, fill out a short form to apply for the product test.
  • If you are selected, you will receive the Barilla pasta shipped to you for free.
  • After trying the pasta, you will be asked to leave an honest review of the product.
  • Additionally, you may need to share your review on Instagram and Facebook.

It’s important to note that this offer may not be available to everyone, as selection is based on the criteria set by Home Tester Club. Make sure to follow all the instructions carefully to increase your chances of being selected.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to enjoy free Barilla pasta and share your experience with others!

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