
To get the Norha model for free, you need to join the Discord server associated with the offer. Once you are a member, you will receive a code that allows you to access the model without any cost. This offer is a great opportunity for those interested in exploring the Norha model without any financial commitment.

It’s important to note that this offer is subject to certain terms and conditions. You are not allowed to upload the model to anyone else’s account but your own, as it is a personal license. Additionally, you should not remove any watermarks from the model, as they are designed to be as non-intrusive as possible.

If you are interested in gifting the model, you need to provide the Discord and VRC name of the recipient and check the gifting box. This ensures that the model is delivered to the correct person.

For those who are unable to afford the model, the creator is open to discussions about potential sales or other arrangements. This flexibility makes the offer more accessible to a wider audience.

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