Noble Dome: A Novel Air-Free Transfer System for Scanning Electron Microscopy and Focused Ion Beam

The Noble Dome is an innovative solution designed to facilitate the transfer of air-sensitive samples into Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Focused Ion Beam (FIB) instruments. Traditional methods often expose samples to atmospheric conditions during the transfer process, which can compromise the integrity of reactive materials. Noble Dome addresses this issue by providing an air-free environment for sample transfer, ensuring that the samples remain uncontaminated and in their pristine state.

This device is particularly beneficial for researchers working with materials such as lithium and sodium, which are highly reactive with elements like moisture and oxygen in the air. By using Noble Dome, you can avoid the need for intermediary glove boxes or inert gas transfer shuttles, simplifying the process and reducing the risk of contamination.

The Noble Dome system includes airtight chambers, gas introduction mechanisms, and modified venting systems to maintain an oxygen-free environment. The device attaches directly to SEM/FIB instruments, allowing for seamless sample transfer without exposure to the atmosphere. Experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness of Noble Dome in preserving sample integrity, with minimal changes observed in surface topography and composition compared to samples exposed to the atmosphere.

Developed and tested by faculty at the University of Oregon, Noble Dome offers a practical and efficient solution for various research needs. It enables detailed investigations of reactive samples, which is essential for advancing research in fields such as battery technology and materials science. By using Noble Dome, you can ensure that your samples remain uncontaminated, allowing for more accurate and reliable analysis.

In summary, Noble Dome is a groundbreaking device that simplifies the transfer of air-sensitive samples into SEM/FIB instruments. Its innovative design and proven effectiveness make it an invaluable tool for researchers working with reactive materials. By maintaining an oxygen-free environment, Noble Dome ensures the integrity of your samples, enabling more precise and reliable scientific investigations.

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