Fragrance-Free Laundry Detergent

Topbox Circle is offering an opportunity to try a free fragrance-free laundry detergent. If you’re tired of your laundry detergent leaving a strong fragrance on your clothes or if you have sensitive skin that gets irritated by scented laundry products, you may be interested in this offer.

The offer is part of a product testing campaign. If you are selected to participate, Topbox Circle will send you a free full-size sample of the fragrance-free laundry detergent. They will also ask you to provide your feedback on the product. Your feedback will help the brand improve their product and potentially create better products in the future.

Product tests have a few more steps than easy freebies. For example, with easy freebies you only have to give your shipping info. Conversely, you need to apply for product tests, and they choose select applicants. But, since they’re usually full-size products and more valuable items, it’s worth it! Sometimes, there will be a short survey. They do this to match you with the products and/or companies looking for people like you. And, with product tests there’s a limited supply of free things. Often, product tests require that you try the item and review it or tell them what you think of it.

Topbox Circle is a platform that offers members the chance to try new products for free in exchange for their honest opinion. They have recently partnered with a brand that produces a fragrance-free laundry detergent. Not everyone will have this offer. So, if you’re interested, sign up for this product test at TopBox Circle.

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