Decorated Christmas Tree for those in need

The Christmas Tree Project is offering a free decorated Christmas tree for those in need. This initiative aims to bring the joy and warmth of the holiday season to families who may be experiencing financial difficulties or other challenges.

The project considers all requests for a free decorated Christmas tree, not only in the US but also around the world. However, they can’t promise that everyone who applies for a tree will receive one. The decision is likely based on the availability of resources and the level of need demonstrated in the application.

To request a tree, you need to click the ‘Request a Tree’ button and answer the questions on the request form. It’s important to note that all requests must be done via the red request tree button on their website. They discourage potential applicants from calling or emailing them for requests.

As of two years ago, the Christmas Tree Project had donated more than 4,000 trees, according to a video from the Kelly Clarkson Show. The show also donated $10,000 to their charity in 2021, further supporting their mission.

This is a wonderful opportunity to bring the Christmas spirit into your home if you’re in need. Remember, the offer is based on availability and need, so not everyone will receive a tree. But it’s certainly worth applying if you could use a little extra holiday cheer this season.

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