Case of Zollipops Candy

If you’re a classroom teacher, educator, or administrator, you can sign up for a free case of Zollipops for your students. This offer is available for schools and organizations.

Zolli pops are a type of candy that is sugar-free, gluten-free, non-GMO, vegan, dairy-free, and contains natural colors and flavors. They are also known as the Clean Teeth Candy, with a tagline of being the after-you-eat-treat for a healthy smile. Zaffy Taffy, another product from the same company, is high in Vitamin C.

To get this offer, you need to answer one required question: How would you distribute Zollipops to help promote the One Million Smile Initiative at your school or organization?

The One Million Smile Initiative, according to Zolli’s website, aims to help kids learn to care for their teeth and smiles. The mission is to reduce America’s tooth decay epidemic and protect children’s smiles, which are considered the most powerful source of energy, joy, and happiness in the world.

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