Swimming Pool Hard Water Test Strips by Mail

Are you a swimming pool owner or simply someone who wants to test the hardness of your home’s water? If so, Morton Salt is offering free water test strips. These strips are designed to help you determine if you have hard water, which is water packed with minerals like calcium and magnesium. Hard water can cause a variety of problems for pool owners and homeowners alike.

For pool owners, hard water can lead to scaling on pool surfaces and inside plumbing, reducing the efficiency of heaters and pumps. It can also cloud pool water, making it less inviting for a swim. Regular testing is crucial to combat these issues. These test strips can help you measure water hardness levels in parts per million (ppm). For pool water, the ideal range is between 200 and 400 ppm. If your pool tests are above this range, it may be time to consider treatments such as adding a pool water softener or using a reverse osmosis system for more severe cases.

Beyond the pool, hard water can damage your home’s plumbing system and even appliances like your dishwasher and clothes washing machine. You can spot whether you have hard water if you see spots on dishes, or if you notice your soap doesn’t lather up much. Another telltale sign is the buildup of scale on faucets and showerheads. These test strips can help you identify if you have hard water in your home.

To request your free water test strips from Morton Salt, simply head on over to their website and fill out the request form. When you submit the form, it will just clear the page and appear to do nothing. But, if you look at the bottom of the form it should say ‘Please allow 8 to 10 weeks for shipping’. Then, they will mail your free sample to you. So, if you’re ready for summer and swimming, request your free hard water test from Morton Salt now, and have it in time for summer swimming fun. This works for pools and spas / jacuzzis, and it also works for your sinks, dishwashers, washing machines, showers and bathtubs.

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