Moneymaker Splenda Deals at Kroger

Welcome to a fantastic offer that’s currently available at Kroger. You have the opportunity to get Splenda Sweeteners for FREE or even make a profit of up to $1.51! This deal is a result of a combination of new insert coupons, the ongoing Kroger sale, and an Ibotta rebate.

Getting your hands on this deal is simple. All you need to do is head to your local Kroger store and pick up a Splenda product. The offer applies to Splenda sweetener, either in packet or liquid form, but excludes the 40 and 50-count options. Please note that there is a limit of one deal per customer.

Once you’ve made your purchase, you can use the insert coupons that were released recently to reduce your out-of-pocket expense. But that’s not all. You can also take advantage of an Ibotta rebate to further decrease the cost. In fact, if you play your cards right, you could end up making a profit from this deal!

This offer is a part of the Kroger Splenda Freebie Deals that are available until the 16th of January. So, make sure you act fast to benefit from this amazing deal. Remember, deals like these don’t come around often, so don’t miss out on this opportunity to save and even earn money on your purchase of Splenda Sweeteners at Kroger.

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