2024 Freebie Toy Drop

The ‘2024 Freebie Toy Drop’ is a heartwarming initiative that aims to bring joy to those who are going through a tough time. For the past three years, the creator behind this project has been crafting and sending out free toys to individuals who could use a little extra cheer. Despite facing personal challenges last year, the creator is back in action for 2024, ready to spread happiness with their handmade toys.

This year, the creator has decided to streamline the process of receiving nominations for toy recipients. Instead of sorting through comments and messages on Reddit, a method that has proven to be overwhelming as the project grew, the creator will now be using a Google form for nominations. This change is expected to keep things more organized and manageable.

While Reddit will still be used for posting updates, the creator will also be branching out to Lemmy, a platform that has seen an influx of Reddit users in 2023. The creator will be sharing the journey of selecting, making, and sending the toys on these platforms, allowing followers to stay tuned in to the process.

Just an hour after the post about the ‘2024 Freebie Toy Drop’ went live, two nominations have already been received. This is a testament to the positive impact that this project has on the community and the anticipation that surrounds it each year.

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