Free sample legit

The ‘Free sample legit’ offer appears to be a promotion related to the game of Pickleball. The offer seems to be a free sample of pickleball balls, where the customer only pays for the shipping. The shipping cost is mentioned to be around $5. This offer has sparked curiosity among the community, with some users questioning its legitimacy.

Users who have availed of this offer have shared their experiences. One user confirmed the legitimacy of the offer, stating that they paid around $4 for shipping, which they considered a good deal for 3 balls. Another user shared their experience of buying a sample pack and then purchasing 100 of the Core Impacts. They found the balls to play identically to X-40s but at a significantly lower price point. They also mentioned that the CORE ones are supposed to be more durable, especially in colder weather, but they still crack often enough that they’re not worth the premium.

However, not all users were satisfied with the offer. One user mentioned that they tried the offer but were put off by the shipping and handling costs. Another user commented that $5 to cover shipping is still a good deal, indicating that the offer might be worth it despite the shipping costs.

In conclusion, the ‘Free sample legit’ offer seems to be a legitimate promotion where users can get a free sample of pickleball balls by just paying for the shipping. The community’s response to the offer has been mixed, with some finding it a good deal while others were put off by the shipping costs.

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