High School Cyberbullying Lesson

Everyday Speech is offering a free High School Cyberbullying Lesson. This lesson is designed to equip high school students with the knowledge and skills to identify cyberbullying and become effective upstanders. The lesson plan includes an introduction to cyberbullying, discussion on what constitutes cyberbullying and its differences from traditional bullying, and cyberbullying scenarios.

  • Introduction to Cyberbullying: This is a 10-minute session where students are introduced to the concept of cyberbullying.
  • Discussion on Cyberbullying: Students are encouraged to participate in a discussion on what constitutes cyberbullying and how it differs from traditional bullying.
  • Cyberbullying Scenarios: This is a 15-minute activity where students are presented with various cyberbullying situations. They are encouraged to role-play as both the victim and the upstander. Scenario cards depicting various cyberbullying situations are provided for this activity.

The aim of this lesson is to foster understanding of cyberbullying and its impact, and to shape responsible digital citizens who can make the online world a safer and more respectful space. The lesson is part of Everyday Speech’s initiative to provide educators with resources to teach social skills and social-emotional learning.

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