Chewy Dog Treats

If you’re a pet lover, don’t miss this opportunity to get a bag of dog treats from Chewy for free! This is a full-size product and the offer is part of a product test.

For this trial, you will be required to use a Chewy promo code that we send you via email to purchase your product from your Chewy account and have it delivered to your home. The balance will cover the entire cost of the product and shipping.

If selected to participate in this Home Tester Club product test, you’ll be asked to do the following:

  • Purchase the product on Chewy using the Chewy promo code and have your dog test the product, as per the instructions provided
  • Share a thoughtful, detailed review by completing a short post-trial survey online about the product with the Home Tester Club Community
  • Share your review on the product page
  • Upload an optional photo or video of your product test experience to Home Tester Club website
  • Refrain from reselling the products sent to you for cash or equivalent.

All product test-related content that is shared by you, the product tester, to the Home Tester Club site, provided to Home Tester Club via email or other means, or shared on third-party platforms (Instagram, Facebook) bearing campaign hashtags and tags shall be deemed as “User Content” and may be used (but not limited in use) by Home Tester Club and the brand as follows:

  • YouTube
  • Social media accounts and sponsored posts
  • Brand & retail sites

If you’re interested in participating in this product test, head on over to Home Tester Club and apply to try this product test. Sign in to your Home Tester account to see if this opportunity is available for you. If you are selected, they will contact you and send you the free stuff. In return, they will expect a review and share on Instagram plus a share on Facebook.

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