Welcome to the Absolute Shopping forums, a community of frugal coupon shoppers. Here, you can get access to members-only contests and events, post comments, ask questions, and share deals. It’s absolutely free to join and start posting.
One of the exciting offers you can avail of as a member is the ‘7 Seas Tackle Sticker Club sticker’. This is a free sticker that you can represent on your boat, truck, or anywhere else. All you need to do is claim your sticker and take a picture of it. Send the picture over to 7 Seas Tackle to claim your custom 5% discount code on your future orders.
Claim your Free Sticker and represent 7 Seas Tackle on your boat, truck, or anywhere! Take a picture and send it over to us to claim your custom 5% Discount code on your future orders!
So, why wait? Join the Absolute Shopping forums today and start enjoying these amazing deals and offers. Remember, it’s free to join!