Sunrise Soya Contest: 12 Days of Christmas Baking Giveaways

The Sunrise Soya Contest: 12 Days of Christmas Baking Giveaways is a festive competition that invites you to bake a holiday treat using any Sunrise product. By sharing your creation, you stand a chance to be one of three lucky winners to receive a bundle of Sunrise swag, product coupons, and a $25 Visa Gift Card.

The contest is hosted on the official Sunrise Soya Foods Instagram and Facebook pages. To enter, you need to locate the current contest post, like it, comment on it, and follow the instructions provided in the post. The contest is open for a 12-day period, and recipes can be submitted at any time during this window.

Winners will be randomly chosen and contacted on December 15th. This is a great opportunity to showcase your baking skills and win some fantastic prizes. So, get your baking tools ready, grab your favorite Sunrise product, and start creating your festive treat.

Sunrise Soya Foods is a well-known brand that began in 1956, providing fresh Tofu to Vancouver’s Chinese community. Over the years, the demand for their products grew, and today, they are a popular choice for many households. This contest is a fun way to engage with the brand and potentially win some great prizes.

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