Apply for Grown Alchemist Products

Grown Alchemist Products are now available for free through the Butterly program. This is a unique opportunity for users to try high-quality, full-sized products from the brand. The offer is part of a new product review opportunity, where users get to try the products and provide their honest opinions about them.

To apply, users are required to sign up to the Butterly program. Once signed up, they will be notified via email when new products are available to try. This ensures that they are the first to know about new opportunities. Users can also sign into their Butterly account and scroll to the bottom for opportunities.

Part of the Butterly program involves earning points through campaigns and surveys, and creating good quality reviews and social media posts. This is a way of giving back to the users for the time and effort they put into writing product reviews. Users are also allowed to keep the products after they try them.

This week, Butterly is featuring Grown Alchemist. This is a great opportunity for users to try out products from the brand for free. Users are encouraged to apply for brands looking for advocates and to sign up with any brand or product looking for advocates to try their samples.

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