Apply for a FREE Espresso Machine

Butterly is offering an exciting opportunity for home baristas who love espresso-based beverages! They are keen to get insights about their new-and-improved espresso machine and are inviting individuals to apply for a chance to try it for free.

Selected participants will receive free full-sized products to try. The brand partner is particularly interested in how your opinion evolves during your experience with the espresso machine. Therefore, you will be asked to respond to a short survey at the 1-month and 2-month mark.

Butterly understands the time and effort that go into writing product reviews. As a token of appreciation for your honest opinion about the free samples they send you, they are giving back through these fantastic offers from some great brands.

To apply for this opportunity, you can sign into your Butterly account and scroll to the bottom for opportunities. Please take a moment to answer a few short questions as part of the application process. This opportunity is open to residents of Canada for a limited time only.

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