New Missions From Topbox

Topbox is launching new missions and you have the opportunity to try out incredible products for free. This is a virtual adventure where you’re on a mission to discover fantastic products without breaking the bank. The key to being chosen for these missions is consistency.

  • A mission that asks about your interests and stores you’ve shopped at in the past 3 months. The application window for this opportunity ends on January 19.
  • A mission that asks about your skin type and any skin concerns you currently have. The application window for this opportunity also ends on January 19.
  • A mission that asks if you have sensitive skin and any skin concerns you currently have. The application window for this opportunity ends on January 18.
  • A mission that asks if you consider yourself a makeup enthusiast and your skin tone. The application window for this opportunity ends on January 18.
  • A mission that asks if you have sensitive skin. The application window for this opportunity ends on January 17.
  • A mission that asks if you have a public Instagram account and if you enjoy drinking tea. The application window for this opportunity ends on January 22.
  • A mission that asks about any hair concerns you may have and if you’re interested in trying a thickening spray. The application window for this opportunity ends on January 19.

In exchange for trying out the freebies, you’ll be asked to provide a review. Your honest thoughts and feedback are crucial in helping others discover these fantastic products. So, make sure to take some notes and prepare to share your experience. Here’s to making this year a freebie-filled success!

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